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BRITTNEY: But now you care, you can’t come here and manipulate and dictate, and tell people what they’re going to do for her, when we’ve been trying our best to help her, all this time, when you weren’t here. You have to come in and work with the system, not try and change the system. Then once you work with the system, then you try and change the system. But you haven’t worked with nobody. You’re going to come and tell people what they're going to do, how they’re going to do it. Oh no you need to meet me here, you need to do this. You, no, no, no, that’s not how it works. Meet people on their terms. Figure out how her system’s been working. How has her bills been getting paid? Work with her, not against her. You're not fighting Iman, you’re working with Iman to help your mother. And if you can’t do that, then don’t. But don’t sit there and go back and forth and tell her to call right now. Be peaceful, be kind.
THE BABY: I, I am peaceful Brittney.
BRITTNEY: Dude, you have not been kind since you got home.
BRITTNEY: You’ve been derogatory and rude to people.
BRITTNEY: Repetitively.
THE BABY: Great. I’m glad that we have all of this. Great.
NARRATOR: Brittney’s rhetoric of ‘work with the system’ is consistent of her dad’s position as a police legal advisor, and my open case at the time; including Patricia’s rhetoric of ‘resistant’. Then if Brittney is saying work with the system, oh, they have a system? Well, having a system must mean having a plan, right? Oh, work with Iman? How can I work with Iman if she doesn’t pick up phone calls or responds to text messages? Liars in the clergy. And if I’m so bad, why doesn’t Brittney and her family leave me and my family alone. I tried to get away from her two months earlier.
Iman stopped responding shortly after signing the new POA document. Prior to that, while I was POA, there was transparent communication and copies of the documents were sent to her. Now, let’s see what Iman (Kemba) and Bobbie are really like.


NARRATOR: Bobbie went to prison for 10 years for rape, and is a convicted sex offender. Highest level of education is H.S. diploma. Iman, whose legal name is Kemba, also has a H.S. diploma as highest level of education. They both have childhood, and apparently adulthood, resentment against me; and Bobbie thinks that I receive more favorable treatment from my mom than him. That’s because she raised me since birth, and I’m her adopted son. She took me in while Iman was still in high school.
Two weeks after I move my mom into an assisted living facility, I pull out the garage to go to the store, and start backing out to this…
THE BABY: Are you going to say anything, or are you just going to… are you just going to…
BOBBIE: Yeah, [intangible] get the rest of her stuff.
THE BABY: Hi Kemba, are you going to say anything, or are you just going to stand there?
IMAN (KEMBA): [silence]
THE BABY: This is awkward, I don’t know what ya’ll are doing, but this is pretty awkward.
BOBBIE: Jamal, can you open the garage?
THE BABY: Do you want to say what you’re doing here?
BOBBIE: Getting grandma’s stuff.
THE BABY: Hi Kemba, do you want to speak or anything?
IMAN (KEMBA): [silence]
BOBBIE: Come on. You act like a…
THE BABY: Is there a reason you haven’t responded to any text messages or phone calls.
BOBBIE: I’ll speak to Henry. You don’t want to hear what I got to say.
THE BABY: Uh, license plate.
NARRATOR: All of my mom’s stuff was already moved in, that could fit. She was fully aware of small items like extra shoes and such still being at the house. The staff at the assisted living facility commented that it was the fastest move-in they’ve seen, and I had to do it by myself. Now, without any notice or communication, Iman and Bobbie are trying to say they're here to get my mom’s stuff. So, I pull back around to see what they’re really doing.
NARRATOR: They’re rushing to steal documents and stuff them in the trunk of Iman’s car. The documents primarily came from one filing cabinet, which included some tax records of my mom, but the majority of documents were my records. My mom kept my K12 school records, medical records, and I would put some of my early tax records there.

NARRATOR: Luckily my office door was locked. Those sensitive documents never made it to my mom’s apartment. Bobbie consistently showed signs of trying to steal my identity, including this theft of sensitive documents, and he would check my mailbox multiple times. Some time later, I received a call from Capitol One that someone tried to apply for a credit card in my name and they flagged it for fraud. That was the only time I received a call of that nature, and Bobbie and Iman would be the only people who would have access to enough personal information to do that after their visit to the house. They vandalized the inside of the house while they were there.

NARRATOR: I was conscious that they might even try to take photos to make it look like that was the state of the house that I kept it in. Here is how the house looked normally.

NARRATOR: My background is in biomedical engineering, and as my mom’s caregiver, I was taking notes to talk to the doctor about. I should’ve been the one to take her to the neurologist. I was the one who booked the appointment for her. Instead, he got the information from a 10-yr convicted sex offender, and someone who was trying to isolate and take control over an elderly person.

NARRATOR: There was so much age and gender bias within that community, while Bobbie and Iman were conducting criminal activity. The social influence of the Jacksons multiplied it. There was a reason why my mom moved into an assisted living facility, and a reason why she needed a caregiver prior to that. Not just dropping off food once. And not harassing the caregiver who is trying to ensure a peaceful transition.

VIRGINIA MORRIS: [CHAPTER 23] A pile of unopened bills sits on your mother’s desk, which is odd because she’s always been extremely organized about paying bills. Now that you think about it, you’ve noticed a number of unusual things about her recently. She missed a lunch date with you. There was that silly incident over the dog that got her so upset. And last week she called and asked you to come over right away, but when you got there, she couldn’t remember what was so urgent. In fact, she couldn’t even remember calling you.
A cold wave passes through you. Could it be…?

ATTORNEY: Florida probate lawyers know there are only a handful of fact patterns and you see them over and over again… sometimes it is a paramour who interferes with the parent-child relationship… and sometimes it is a trustee who is being arbitrary or vindictive with the beneficiary.

NARRATOR: The Jacksons couldn’t hide their true intentions. Brittney and her family were after my inheritance. She texts me a picture of a house on Christmas 2020, the day after her mom calls the cops on me.

"Come where love has no limits. Where we are valued beyond any violence or war. May we live, we live to love another day."
- J. Bey-El
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