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 I N T R O D U C I N G






THE BABY: Even with her meal plans, is that, is that what, was the responsible thing to do, is buy a bunch of bulk stuff, and let it sit there. Even with her meals. Even with the…

PATRICIA: Iman been here. Iman was here two weeks ago.

THE BABY: Great. Great.

PATRICIA: She was, she didn’t have a problem, with, with what Mother Peggy has in this house.

THE BABY: Iman didn’t have a problem, is it in her best interest? Is it in Peggy’s best interest?

PATRICIA: [intangible] The food, he don’t like the food you got.

THE BABY: It’s not about me. It’s just, seeing how, when I got here, she needed help with lunch. She needed help cooking it and stuff it seemed. That’s just my observation, it’s just a personal opinion. But it’s ok, everyone can have their opinion.

THE NOTETAKER: This is a back up for me. [intangible]

THE BABY: But when I came here, she was like, she needed help with lunch and stuff. Seemed like she still needed help. So, it’s just a personal opinion. If Iman is really doing it in her best interest.

PATRICIA: I, she and Iman, I took, I took Mother Peggy and Bobbie, to go, to, to get these groceries. The three of us went to get these groceries. 

THE BABY: That’s great. Uh huh.

PATRICIA: So, they, she and Bobbie pretty much picked out these groceries, if you have a problem.

THE BABY: I, I, see, I don’t have a problem.

PATRICIA: Ok, you just said, what, what is this food in this house. 

THE BABY: No, I’m just recommending that, there’s…

PATRICIA: Backed up all this food.

THE BABY: No, not… [laughs] You putting words in my mouth, I didn’t say all this food, so I’ll stop, I’ll stop with the food conversation. 

PATRICIA: You said why do you have all this food in the house here. That’s what you just made a statement about the food.

THE BABY: No, so, so, I went from A-B, A-B-C, A-B-C. A, you mention the car, and you’re trying to say I, I, and you say Jamal a lot. I, I, or you, whatever, you keep pointing the target at me. The car is not for me, it’s about Peggy’s mobility. Another example of something that might improve, is, is, uh, Peggy’s meal stuff, or just food stuff related to her. It’s not about me, it’s fine, so we can move the topic to something else, if that’s…

PATRICIA: Yeah, ok, because that food was bought by, picked out by Mother Peggy and Bobbie. We all went to the, uh, to Sam’s grocery store. And they…

THE BABY: Does Bobbie have an attorney, or is he working with a lawyer or something like that?

PATRICIA: Not at this time.


PATRICIA: And, and then, uh, Iman came here, Iman saw the food here. She didn’t have a problem with the food. She, she felt it was good that she had all this food in the house. She didn’t have a problem. And I think ya’ll ate out a lot when Iman came, right?

THE NOTETAKER: Yes, we did.

PATRICIA: They went, they went and, uh, ate out.

THE BABY: Cool, what were some of Iman’s recommendations? Because I did a lot of transparent communication, when I guess, you know, the thing is that noone, I don’t even know if there’s really a new power of attorney document. I haven’t been shown it. But when I was, I guess, I guess according to people, as I am, to my knowledge, the durable power of attorney. I provided a lot of transparent communication and stuff. What are some of the other recommendations Iman gave?

PATRICIA: I don’t know that.

THE BABY: Because I think she might be just regurgitating the same recommendations that I was giving. 

PATRICIA: I don’t know all that.

THE BABY: So you don’t know any of Iman’s recommendations?

PATRICIA: I wasn’t allowed, I was not allowed to go with them. 

THE BABY: For example, for example, for example, uh, we kind of realized a great alternative was to start taking Peggy out to eat, like during lunch time, to get variety in her meal, to get outdoor time, to see the environment. And also it was able to sync the schedules as her caregiver, to be able to, so I can work there as well. You might think it was self-interest, but it was just us trying to sync our schedules together, to work with someone and their caregiver. What other recommendations does Iman have, similar to going out to eat, since that was like a, a bragging point of what Iman did?

PATRICIA: [silence] I don’t know what Iman has, uh, you know, planned. I don’t know how she was gonna do what she was gonna do. 

THE BABY: Mhmmm.

PATRICIA: I don’t know. I don’t know.

THE BABY: Me neither, I mean, I guess we all don’t know.

PATRICIA: Well I mean… Iman has her plans, and, you know, and how she’s working things, and, you know, so, I don’t, I can’t sit here and tell you what Iman’s plans are. You have to call Iman. And ask her.

THE BABY: Um. I don’t, well…

PATRICIA: How can I tell you what she, what she’s planning, from New Jersey, for your mom. How can I tell you that?

THE BABY: Well I guess you did say that, uh, you guys did say that there was a plan of, of, when I am better, everything is going to return, and saying something like everything will return to you, and it’s the when detail. Let’s talk about the when, because medical professionals say that I’m better now. So the when I am better is the detail. And then, so if you’re saying that everything is going to return, I’d like to know if your providing false information. Not in like a legal sense, but just like are you telling me the truth? Are you telling me the truth of Iman’s plan?

PATRICIA: Some things. Some things Iman can allow you to take back, I mean gradually. 

THE BABY: Great, so what is this, so what is this, what is this?

PATRICIA: Because, you, you just. Well, to be honest with you, ok. You were on a BOLO list. 

THE BABY: Good, so, good, good, so, I, no, no, no, no, no, so, good, good,


THE BABY: No, I’ll pause it because you’re talking down to me. 


THE BABY: You’re talking down to me. Good, and I’ll calm…

PATRICIA: You asked what other plans.


PATRICIA: And why aren’t we going there, like we…

THE BABY: You started to say… it’s ok, no, no, no, we have to pause there. It’s ok, because, it’s alright. Because it’s the whole thing of like, you started off with like Iman…

PATRICIA: You don’t want to accept that [intangible].

THE BABY: No, no, no, no, no. Trish, it’s not about Iman is taking things away from me. It’s not about that. See that’s the thing, I’m not even in this, it’s supposed to just be about Peggy. And then so, if there’s something that you should tell me about why, uh, why this is going on, then you can tell me. But if not, I’m not going to be talked down to, as if, um, as if it’s like that. It’s ok.


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NARRATOR: All they did was drop food off at the house once. Food fit for a kid at summer camp, which probably led to her urinary tract infection. When I returned, there was rotten food in her fridge and on the countertops. Patricia and Iman suggested to have my mom use apps like Uber, Lyft, or Instacart. My mom’s mental state was to the point where she couldn’t use apps on her phone; she couldn’t even remember what was available at the grocery store, I would have to help her with even selecting food to buy. Iman had no idea what was necessary, or was doing it on purpose. In hindsight, it seemed like cruel and unusual punishment, as a passive-aggressive way to get payback for the emotional reaction to the break up, and also Bobbie’s and the Jackson’s financial motivations. There actions were immature and with malicious intent.


NARRATOR: Patricia doubles down on the severity of my mom’s urinary tract infection, but the day she had to go to the hospital to take a urine test, Brittney caused a scene and then tried to delay taking my mom to the hospital; which Brittney’s involvement would be unnecessary if they were not holding on to the car at the time. Thank God my mom wasn’t in pain, and she did get to the hospital to take her test, and the urinary tract infection went away soon after. May I add that my mom didn’t call the doctor for the infection until I recommended to her that she call her doctor, then she was able to get the medical advice to go to the hospital, take the test, and get her prescription.


THE NOTETAKER: Let me, uh, shall I lock this door…

BRITTNEY: Miss, Mother Peggy, I’m going to be honest, I really don’t think it’s in my [intangible] interest. I’m going to have my mom do it, because I don’t want anything to happen. And I don’t feel like it’s a safe situation right now. 

THE NOTETAKER: Oh, ok so, what are you saying? Uh, let your mother do it?

THE BABY: I guess it’s not safe, [sighs] guess it’s not safe.

BRITTNEY: Yeah, I would like my mom to do it, because I don’t feel like this is, I don’t feel like this is in my best interest. [pats head]

THE NOTETAKER: Ok. I respect your wishes and your feelings. So, um… she’s not available now?

BRITTNEY: She is available. I told you, I can take you, but I’m not taking you and Jamal.

NARRATOR: They’re literally holding my mom hostage, while trying to cause a scene in every moment they get. By now, you should be able to see that the break up did not happen for no reason. Brittney tries to insinuate that she’s acting in my interest, but her and her family are constantly lying and acting unstable. 



"Come where love has no limits. Where we are valued beyond any violence or war. May we live, we live to love another day."

- J. Bey-El


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