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 I N T R O D U C I N G





NARRATOR: I’m Brenda’s baby.

Got a
Got a

I hear Brenda’s got a baby



THE NOTETAKER: You see [Dr.] Martin Luther King [Jr.], everyone, and he was there he was good and right, but I felt we needed Malcolm to do his, Malcolm had a lot to say, and it was the truth, you know. And so that’s what geared me towards Islam. The Malcolm X. And then… then my daughter, you know Brenda, Brenda somehow… she left the hospital, I’m trying to think how she first got connected with Islam. But she led me to Islam. You know she was searching, she was searching.

It was in Pastor Trish’s (Patricia's) church that I opened up about the mental state of my family, you know. And that’s when Robbin said, “Well, let’s look this up, where are they now?" You know. And she was the one who, well I knew that Brenda was in New York. You know what I’m saying. But I didn’t know where Anne was, and she found out where she was. And that’s how I found out, at least, where Anne is, you know.


12/24/2020, 12/4/2020, 12/5/2020

911 DISPATCH: Ok, and what’s your name ma’am?

PATRICIA: I’m not ma’am, I’m Trish.

I'm actually a pastor.

I’ve been a professor for 10 years at Daytona State College. And I don’t need nobody calling me ma’am.


Swagger down Pat
Call my shit Patricia

ANDRE 3000:
I’m sorry Ms. Jackson
I am for real




PATRICIA: I’m married to a police legal advisor that manages the police in this area.

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ANTHONY: Then it’s time right now. It’s time. You know what I do, among the things I do at work, I deal with reading daily with people who are distressed, stressed out. For those who are not in Florida, we have risk protection, where we are able to seize firearms, and things, from people who are overwhelmed and maybe handling them wrong. I look at mental health reports constantly.

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BRITTNEY: But you can't control me, you're not going to control my mother (Patricia), and you're not going to control Iman.

NARRATOR: This is an ex, and…



NARRATOR: You can just look at her body language...



NARRATOR: That head pat... that is the body language of an angry black woman.

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NARRATOR: Brittney’s parents are Anthony and Patricia, both pastors, and Anthony is an attorney for the local police department, formally legal advisor. I broke up with Brittney in early October, around October 12, 2020… and here she is on my driveway on December 5, 2020. What happened?

Well, I was launching a new spiritual wellness company because I have a gift of reading and interpreting the Bible, so I wanted to share some of the insights with others.



DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.: Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. I don’t mind. Like anybody I would like to live a long life, longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the promise land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we as a people will get to the promise land. So I’m happy tonight, I’m not worried about anything, I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!

JOHN 20:17 KJV:
Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.


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NARRATOR: I filed for the spiritual wellness company on October 13, 2020, and the day prior, October 12, Brittney left a voicemail on my phone confirming the break up.


BRITTNEY: Ummm, I don’t know how to say this, but I’m sure we’re both feeling the same way about things. So, yeah I’m going to just let it be and stop trying to fight it. But, I’ll hear from you when I hear from you. You take care.

NARRATOR: We broke up in person, and she immediately drove to my house, went into my office where I had notes on my desk and a whiteboard calendar on the wall.


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NARRATOR: The calendar was crucial because she could see events I was planning for that I didn’t tell her about. For a period of time, I noticed her and her family were lying around me. They would share some of my business ideas with their friends and family members. On top of that, I was taking care of my adopted mom, natural grandmother, who was experiencing signs of dementia onsetting.

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NARRATOR: I was feeling a lot of anxiety and depression at the time, and wanted to be single to focus on other priorities. What she did know was that I had a weekend course coming up to maintain my driver’s license from being suspended. I had a suspended license prior, it got reinstated, and I just needed to complete a 2-day course. Her actions following the break up sabotaged that and more.

HAROLD CRICK: I could barely remember it all, I just remember ‘little did he know that this simple, seemingly innocuous act, would lead to his imminent death’.


HAROLD CRICK: ‘Little did he know’.

PROFESSOR HILBERT: Did you say ‘little did he know’?


PROFESSOR HILBERT: I’ve written papers on ‘little did he know’. I used to teach a class based on ‘little did he know’. I mean I once gave an entire seminar on ‘little did he know’. Son of a bitch Harold, ‘little did he know’ means there’s something he doesn’t know, that means there’s something you don’t know. Did you know that? I want you to come back Friday.


PROFESSOR HILBERT: No, imminent, you can be dead by Friday. Come back tomorrow at 9:45. 

HAROLD CRICK: Ten seconds ago you said you wouldn’t help me.

PROFESSOR HILBERT: It’s been a very revealing ten seconds Harold.



"Come where love has no limits. Where we are valued beyond any violence or war. May we live, we live to love another day."

- J. Bey-El


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